
Published on March 10th, 2018 | by Staples Soccer


Luke Scott ’91 Announces The Birth Of Zion

Luke Scott ’91 — who as owner of MadisonMott is also the designer, webmaster, mastermind and longtime patron/supporter of StaplesSoccer.com — announces the birth of his 3rd son, Zion.

In fact, he’s sent out the best birth announcement in the history of Staples soccer. Maybe the world. Here it is:

Hey everyone, I’m Zion Kovac Scott. I was born on my grandfather’s birthday, during something called a nor’easter. My dad says the roads sucked. Speaking of sucking, I’m way into colostrum at the moment. Real good stuff.

Upon arrival, I weighed 7.8 pounds, and was 21 inches long. Apparently solid stats. My big bros are Noah and Jasper. They’ll be teaching me to shred, on and off the slopes. Thanks in advance guys.

Also, I’m into being swaddled, reminds me of someplace else. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

Today we are going home. Woohoo! First, I need to get snipped. Sounds fun.

One last thing: thanks to my mom and my doula and the midwives for doing all the hard work. I’m relatively new here, so take this with a grain of salt, but it seems like women have all the power. Cool by me.

Later, ZKS ❤️

Zion Scott

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