General news

Published on July 1st, 2014 | by Staples Soccer


Peter Perry Leads World Cup Contest After Round Of 16

Only 1 contestant went 8-for-8 in our current World Cup contest.

Peter Perry picked perfectly: all 8 quarterfinalists.

But it’s still anyone’s contest. Diego Alanis, Luka Autard, Patrick Beusse, Julien Delepine, Dan Donovan, Andres Marmelo, Nicholas Perry and Chris Swan all got 7, and a slew of others picked 6.

Round of 16 winners get 1 point for each pick. The quarterfinals are worth 2 points each; the semis are 4 points, and the ultimate winner 6. So — just like nearly every World Cup match so far — we’ve got a long way to go before we crown a victor. (In this case, the winner of a $50 Athletic Shoe Factory gift certificate.)

A number of contestants went with their heart (the US) instead of their head (Belgium).

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