Current players

Published on August 24th, 2024 | by Staples Soccer


2024 Pre-Season Opens With Win

Four days after tryout began, the 2024 Staples boys soccer team opened with a decisive 3-0 scrimmage win at Greens Farms Academy.

The goals came early, in the 3 30-minute periods, from 3 different players. Several potential starters missed the match, with injuries.

Pre-season continues Monday (August 26, 4 p.m.) at Fairfield Prep, and Friday (August 30, 6 p.m.) at Brookfield.

Opening day is Wednesday (September 4, 4 p.m.) vs. New Canaan at Wakeman Field.

The defensive wall gets set (from left): Nico Reyna, Gabe Duque, Zach Beebe, Noah Rossoni. Keeper Christian Rinaldi is ready behind them. (Photo/Michael Beebe)

Senior Will Murray joins the Wreckers this year. He played previously in the MLS Next Academy program. (Photo/Michael Beebe)


Front row, from left: Cormac Mulvey, Brendan Allen, Will Murray, Perrin Root. Rear: Drew Hill, Emmett Nivaud, Josh Whittaker, Spencer Girling, Jonny Costello, Jack D’Amore, Zach Beebe. (Photo/Avery Mueller)

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