Current players

Published on September 2nd, 2017 | by Staples Soccer


A Productive Day At Wethersfield Jamboree

For 16 years, Wethersfield High School has hosted a pre-season jamboree. There are 3 highlights: strong competition, excellent hospitality (with great food!), and a chance to honor players killed on 9/11. Three are from WHS; a 4th is Scott Coleman, a former Wrecker.

The weather was perfect for this year’s event. The Westporters got a chance to show what they could do in the opening match, against their hosts. Solid attacking and team defense propelled Staples to a 1-0 win. The goal began when the keeper bobbled Will Birch’s hard shot. Anton Mahr was right there for the follow-up.

The 2nd match, against another traditional power — class “M” Tolland — also finished 1-0. Timmy Liles turned the corner; Tadeo Messenger headed home is cross, just a few seconds after entering the game.

The 3rd game went to Kingswood Oxford, 1-0. The goal came off a late free kick, into the far corner.

Wrecker coaches used the 3 30-minute matches as another yardstick, to measure preparedness for the season. The final tuneup comes Monday, against 14-time New York City champion Martin Luther King. Kickoff is 1 p.m., at Asphalt Green (1750 York Avenue, near 90th Street) in the city.

The Wethersfield Eagles hosted today’s jamboree.

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