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Published on July 9th, 2014 | by Staples Soccer


Andres Marmelo Surges Into World Cup Contest Lead

With 4 big points up for grabs in both semifinal rounds of our World Cup contest, rising junior Andreas Marmelo roared into the Staples soccer World Cup contest lead.

His 23 points put him 1 ahead of Kyle Hoberman, and 3 ahead of Shane Dasbach and previous leader Peter Perry. Right behind at 19 points, are Patrick Beusse, Dan Donovan, Nicholas Perry and Chris Swan.

With 6 points on the line for the winner of the championship match on Sunday, the $50 Athletic Shoe Factory prize is still up for grabs.

Marmelo, Hoberman and Dasbach were the only 3 contestants to correctly pick both semifinal victors.

World Cup contest fans who picked Brazil were out of luck.


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