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Published on August 1st, 2016 | by Staples Soccer


Everton Wins Super Liga Crown

After the most competitive season in Super Liga history, Everton stands alone.

The college-dominated team won the coveted championship tonight, 5-2 over Liverpool. Goals came from Aidan Wisher and Graham Gudis (2 each), and Kyle Zajec.

Other team members include Gabe Pensak, Joe Pravder, Noah Schwaeber, Grant Sirlin and Jack Zeldes. Missing tonight were Patrick Beusse, Daniel Brill, Daniel Perez Elorza and Andrew Puchala.

Pensak and Zajec have now won 2 straight Super Liga crowns.

Everton champions (from left): Kyle Zajec, Noah Schwaeber, Jack Zeldes, Joe Pravder, Graham Gudis, Aidan Wisher, Grant Sirlin and Gabe Pensak.

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