Current players

Published on November 4th, 2014 | by Staples Soccer


Frosh Rock As Refs For Special Olympics

A record 15 freshmen spent yesterday afternoon serving their sport, their school and the entire state.

They volunteered their afternoon as referees for a Connecticut Special Olympics unified soccer tournament, in the fieldhouse. Every year Staples hosts the event, which draws teenagers with disabilities from dozens of schools. Competition is keen, but smiles are evident everywhere.

It was hard to tell who had more fun: the players, their helpers or the freshman officials.

THANKS to Chris Andrews, Will Birch, Ethan Brodows, Jake  Didner, Matt Engler, Steven Frost, Matt Gibson, Jesse Haymes, Timmy Liles, Benji Malowitz, Chris Martenson, Alejandro Perez Elorza, Alex Piccolino, Luke Press and Ian Weiler for donating their time and energy to this great cause.

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