General news

Published on April 26th, 2016 | by Staples Soccer


Plan Ahead: Tryouts Begin August 25

Last year, Staples soccer tryouts began on the 1st day of school. This year, there’s a full week of pre-season before school begins.

Tryouts for all 10th, 11th and 12th grade boys will begin on Thursday, August 25, and continue Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 26-28, as needed. There will be double sessions each day: 8-10 a.m., and 3-5 p.m., at Wakeman fields.

Tryouts for all 9th grade boys will begin on Thursday, August 25, and continue Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 26-28, as needed. They will be held from 12-2 p.m., at Wakeman fields.

All candidates in all grades must have pre-registered online ( and must have a current physical form cleared by the nurse. No one can try out without having done this. Registration begins July 1.

Questions? Contact head coach Dan Woog:

Josh Berman, Teddy Lawrence and Daniel Reid all return in 2016. Brenden Price and Graham Gudis do not. The new-look Wreckers will gather for the first time on August 25.

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