Current players

Published on January 6th, 2015 | by Staples Soccer


Record Number Of Wreckers For 6 a.m. Fitness

The off-season fitness program began this morning at 6 a.m. A record turnout of 39 players — including 9 juniors, 18 sophomores and 12 freshmen — braved the pre-dawn cold to begin strengthening their core, increasing their jumping ability and gaining power and confidence.

Assistant coach (and nationally known trainer) Kurt Dasbach has designed an innovative program — and uploaded videos and photos of it to players’ smartphones. Working in pairs, the group got down to business quickly.

The 6-month off-season fitness program began 2 years ago, and has grown in popularity each year since. “Players who stick with it definitely see results,” said head coach Dan Woog.

Captains Noah Schwaeber (lower left) and Kenji Goto (right) lead one group in the first 6 a.m. fitness session.



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