General news

Published on January 28th, 2016 | by Staples Soccer


Registration Open For WSA Spring Premier And Travel Teams

The Westport Soccer Association is forming teams for high school players, to compete this spring. New this year is an elite or premier team (depending on CJSA placement). Players must try out for this team.

There will also be a Southwest District team. There is no tryout for that squad.

All boys interested in playing high school travel soccer must register prior to February 19. Players must be born between Auugst 1, 1996 and July 31, 2001. The only exception is if the player is already in high school and was born on or after August 1, 2001.

Elite/Premier tryouts will be held Friday, March 11 (6-8 p.m.). All participants must be registered and have paid for the tryout prior to attending. The season begins the week of April 4. There will be 2 practices (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and 1 game per week. Additional tournaments will be considered. Players who try out and are not selected will be offered a spot on one of the Southwest District teams. The Elite/Premier team will be coached by Steve Baumann, former Staples and University of Pennsylvania captain and NASL pro. Steve also coached at the University of Pennsylvania, and at the high school level in Virginia.

The Southwest District program will include 1 practice (Thursdays) and 1 Sunday game every week. State Cup tournament entry will be based on team The season begins the week of April 4. Additional tournaments will be determined and managed by the team.

To register: Click here: The link should take you directly to the registration page. Scroll down, to make sure you are registering for the correct team.




Those interested are encouraged to register as early as possible.  This will help us gauge interest and the number of teams/coaches necessary.

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