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Published on November 7th, 2021 | by Staples Soccer


Seniors Repeat As Quiz Night Champs

Staples soccer players are as sharp and quick off the field as they are on it.

The “Free Julian” team — filled with varsity stars, and a few friends — took first place in the 17th annual Quiz Night.

Wrecker team also finished 2nd and 3rd, overcoming some difficult adult and mixed tables.

The event raised $10,000 for the Staples program — for coaching stipends, coaching education, videography, field maintenance, scholarships, the banquet and more. Everything over that — several thousand dollars — will go to the Bridgeport Central High School boys soccer program, for equipment and coaches.

The winners — Jacob Greenberger, Jackson Hochhauser Spencer Levine, Murilo Moreno, Jaden Mueller and Caleb Tobias. plus Oliver Clachko, wrestler/lacrosse player Nick Augeri and lacrosse player/WWPT-FM sports director Max Udell — answered questions like “What was the first word spoken on the moon?” (“Houston”), what is the only mammal that can fly (bats), and what is the first game played in “Squid Game” (Red Light Green Light).

They also took first place last year during COVID, when Quiz Night was virtual. This year’s event — which drew about 150 participants — returned again to the Staples cafeteria.

Placing second was the “O’Dell’s Basement” team. The mix of seniors, juniors and sophomores included Will Adams, Kyle Ambrose, Steve Divino, Marius Ekeberg, Brewster Galley, Dylan Hoke, Alex Laskin and Avery Mueller,

“Daddy Cregan FC” took third, answering a “golden goal/sudden victory” question after tying with another team. Reese Watkins knew that the first name of the man for whom Loeffler Field is named was “Albie.” Teammates included Jackson Cregan, Ben Douglas, Hunter Smith and Ryan Thomas.


“Free Julian”: Quiz Night champs. From left: Max Udell, Caleb Tobias, Murilo Moreno, Jacob Greenberger, Nick Augeri, Jaden Mueller, Spencer Levine, Jackson Hochhauser. Missing: Oliver Clachko.


“O’Dell’s Basement.” From left: Will Adams, Marius Ekeberg, Brewster Galley, Avery Mueller, Steve Divino, Alex Laskin, Dylan Hoke, Kyle Ambrose.


“Daddy Cregan FC” placed 3rd. From left: Hunter Smith, Ryan Thomas, Jackson Cregan, Reese Watkins, Ben Douglas.


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