General news

Published on October 8th, 2014 | by Staples Soccer


Staples vs. Brien McMahon (Game Postponement Report)

Several weeks ago, Brien McMahon changed the start time of today’s match from 7 p.m. to 4:45. Staples, and the CIAC, were notified.

But the referee assignor never got word. So although the Wreckers and Senators were all set to play on a beautiful fall afternoon, there were no officials. And none could be found on short notice.

The Wreckers made the most of the day. They trained lightly on half of Jack Casagrande Field.

A new date will be announced soon — though the end of the season is near. Staples plays this Friday (at undefeated Fairfield Ludlowe, 3:45 p.m.), followed by 3 matches next week, and 2 in the final 3 days of the regular season. McMahon has a similarly tight schedule.

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