Welcome To The New StaplesSoccer.Com Site!

StaplesSoccer.com — called “the best high school sports website in the country” — just got even better.

Launched in July 2001 as one of the 1st team sites anywhere, it’s had only 1 major redesign since.

Now, the crack crew at MadisonMott — Westport’s leading digital and social media agency, led by Staples soccer alum Luke Scott ’91 — has given the website a fantastic, updated look.

Kristyn Shayon Miller, Mike Barnes, Scott Andersen and Jessica Trimble have kept all the much-loved features. But they’ve sharpened the design, and enhanced some of the pages most users never visit.

Here are some of the big changes:

  • There’s a vastly improved calendar — actually, 4. There’s the main one on the home page, plus separate varsity, JV and freshman calendars. See instantly where each team plays and trains — and has pasta dinners, the car wash, etc. Hover over any date to see basic info; click for details. Click the dropdown menu from “About the Wreckers”/”Schedule” for your particular team.
  • And in the calendars — this is very cool — you can click on any away school, to find directions via Google maps.
  • Social media. We’re introducing a Facebook page. We’ve got an Instagram. We hope to find someone to live tweet games. (Contact us if interested!) And we’ve got a prominent link to our YouTube channel. They’re all right on the home page.
  • We’re moving photos to a Photo Gallery. Click on any photo to enlarge it. This is a work in progress…

But wait! There’s more!

“About the Wreckers” (top left on the navigation bar) is your go-to spot. Use the dropdown menu to find schedules, rosters, info on colleges, coaches’ bios, the long-forgotten Opinion Poll and Trivia Contest — even Watermelon Cup news, and Tom Henske’s Goalkeeper Nation.

Under “Media,” you’ll find the photo gallery. That’s a work in progress — photos from the past will be added in the coming months. “Media” is also where you’ll find all our video archives. Our new videographer, Johnny Donovan, can’t wait to start adding his own.

The “Alumni” tab brings you news about colleges. It’s also the spot for our new alumni database. All former players are invited to register. Let the Staples soccer world know where you went to college, where you live, what you do — and add your “best Staples soccer memory” and “What Staples soccer has meant to me.” When we get enough, we’ll add those comments on a separate page.

Staples soccer is filled with history. The “Year By Year” page details each entire season — from 1958 through 2012 — while “Game Stats” allow you to search specific years and scores. Try the “Advanced Search” function to see, for example, Staples’ all-time record against New Canaan (it’s not too shabby).

“Cool Stuff” is — well, cool stuff. Look around. You’ll enjoy the visit.

Finally, “News” is where all the news stories end up, once they’ve been booted off the home page by newer news.

(PS: On the home page, hover over any photo in the slideshow at the top to make it stop — and enlarge it.)

That’s the quick tour. We invite you to spend some time here, and visit often. PS: If you like what you see — and/or have enjoyed StaplesSoccer.com for all or some of the past 12 years — feel free to click the “Contributions” button. It’s at the bottom of the “About the Wreckers” tab.

Thanks, MadisonMott. You rock — just like the rest of the Staples soccer community!

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