Current players

Published on August 10th, 2013 | by Staples Soccer


Wreckers Conquer White Mountains On Team-Building Trip

All 12 returning varsity players — plus head coach Dan Woog and Liam Bohonnon ’08 — have returned safely from an intense 4-day team-building trip to the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

The group stayed near Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Coming home through Rhode Island, they hit all 6 New England states during their trek.

Highlights included:

  • A long, tough hike up Mt. Willard
  • Early morning cliff-jumping off Upper Ammonoosuc Falls
  • A zip line course with 9 different segments, up to 225 feet above the forest floor, and a 30-foot vertical climb
  • Level IV whitewater rafting on the Rapid River in Maine, with drops of 60 feet — followed by an hour-long return to shore in a monsoon that included (briefly) a hailstorm
  • Very competitive mini-golf and card games
  • Grilling, campfires, and many other shared experiences and adventures.

“This was a spectacular trip,” said Woog. “Everyone was totally into what we were doing — physical and mental challenges, going outside your comfort zone, problem-solving, even shopping for food and cooking meals. It was a total team experience, an amazing amount of fun, and a fantastic way to get ready for the very tough season that’s coming up soon.”

Co-captains Jack Scott and Diego Alanis came up with the destination, and helped with planning. Other team members included Nate Argosh, Patrick Beusse, George Kokkalis, Charlie Leonard, Joe Pravder, Andrew Puchala, Michael Reid, Yousef Shahin, Noah Schwaeber and Connor Weiler.

The 2013 returnees make their way up Mt. Willard in the White Mountains.

The 2013 returnees make their way up Mt. Willard in the White Mountains.

Nate Argosh goes cliff jumping: [youtube_sc url=””]

It was 9 a.m., but that didn't stop the 203 Wreckers from jumping off cliffs.

It was 9 a.m., but that didn’t stop the 203 Wreckers from jumping off cliffs.

Card games in New Hampshire were quite intense.

Card games in New Hampshire were quite intense.

Problem-solving at the grocery store: [youtube_sc url=”″]

Patrick Beusse, Charlie Leonard and Connor Weiler man the grill.

Patrick Beusse, Charlie Leonard and Connor Weiler man the grill.

Nate Argosh cooks up his classic broccoli dish.

Nate Argosh cooks up his classic broccoli dish.

No team-bonding trip is complete without a campfire and s'mores.

No team-bonding trip is complete without a campfire and s’mores.

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