Current players

Published on July 9th, 2016 | by Staples Soccer


Wreckers Cook — And Serve — In Unique Community Project

Community service is a key component of the Staples boys soccer experience. The Wreckers know the importance of giving back to the town that has given so much to them.

This summer, a dozen and a half players undertook an intriguing — and very important — project.

Under the leadership of quad-captains Ziggy Hallgarten and Josh Berman, a group gathered last week at the Farmers’ Market. They — and Matt Engler, Teddy Lawrence, Timmy Liles and Vaughan Sealey — helped shoppers carry bags to their car. They raised $412 in tips. (Click here for the full story.)

The following week, guided by Luke Lamparelli — a well-known chef who volunteered his time and expertise — and using the funds they’d collected, Hallgarten, Liles, Lefty Penderakis and Tyler Wright shopped for meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, and more.

Yesterday afternoon, a different crew gathered in Hallgarten’s kitchen. Once again led by Chef Luke, they chopped, shucked, simmered and stirred. They were preparing brisket, pasta and sauce, a fantastic salad and a berry-filed dessert. Cooks included Hallgarten, Will Birch, Kenny Brill, Jake Didner and Chris Martenson.

A couple of hours later, they transported everything to the Gillespie Center. There, Wreckers Nick Ambrose, Nick DiMasi, Sam Kantor, Griff O’Neill, Alejandro Perez Elorza and Ian Weiler served it to residents of Westport’s homeless shelter.

It was one of the best meals in Gillespie Center memory. Thanks to Chef Luke, Westport Farmers’ Market director Lori Cochran, Farmers’ Market advisory board member Patti Brill, and all who helped with this very “stirring” event.

Lefty Penderakis, Timmy Liles, Tyler Wright, chef Luke Lamparelli and Ziggy Hallgarten prepare to shop at the Farmers’ Market.

Preparing the meal in Ziggy Hallgarten’s kitchen. From left: Will Birch, Chris Martenson, Kenny Brill, Jake Didner, chef Luke Lamparelli and ace watermelon-slicer Ziggy Hallgarten.

Serving the meal at the Gillespie Center: Alejandro Perez Elorza, Sam Kantor, Griffin O’Neill, Nick Ambrose, Nick DiMasi. Missing: Ian Weiler.


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