Current players

Published on October 20th, 2012 | by Staples Soccer


Wreckers Help Kick Breast Cancer

The Staples boys soccer team was proud to join in this month’s “Get Your Pink On!” breast cancer fundraising effort.

Players bought pink shirts with the Wrecker logo and the words “Defy, Wreck, Cure.” They wore them instead of the traditional button-down shirt and tie on game days last week. Many players also kept the pink shirts on during pre-game warmups.

All money raised is donated to Pink Aid, an organization that helps uninsured and under-insured women in need.

“Breast cancer affects everyone, and the Staples boys soccer program has certainly been impacted,” said head coach Dan Woog. “Once our captains heard about the Pink Aid effort, they immediately agreed to help out. The support of our players has been great to see.”

Sam Koenig and Noah Bender sport their “Get Your Pink On!” shirts.

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