General news

Published on July 29th, 2015 | by Staples Soccer


Closest Watermelon Cup Race In History Goes To Wire; USA, Japan, Denmark, Switzerland In Semis

The tightest Watermelon Cup regular season in history went down to the final 3 games tonight. USA was in, Monserrat out, but 4 other teams fought for the 3 remaining playoff spots. When the final “time!” sounded — after Nicky Hoberman led laggard Monserrat to 2 wins; after no squad was a double winner, and after league leader USA tied Holland 3-3 — the 4 finalists are: 1) USA 2) Japan 3) Denmark 4) Switzerland. #3 and 4 tied on points, but Denmark gets the edge with 2 regular season wins over the Swiss (who lost twice tonight, but still qualified). See you next Wednesday for the semifinals and finals!

For scores and standings, click here.


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