
Published on June 25th, 2015 | by Staples Soccer


Staples Keeper Nation Profile: Tracy McIntosh ’71

Tom Henske is a proud Long Island boy.

But the 3-time University of Virginia national champ is also proud of the long soccer legacy at Staples, where he enters his 7th year as goalkeeper coach.

Henske knows it’s important that his athletes understand they’re the latest in a long line of storied keepers. He created an email list — and page on this website — called “Staples Goalkeeper Nation,” tying present and past keepers together.

His latest project is profiling some of those back-in-the-day stars. He sent questionnaires to many. We’ll post their answers throughout the summer (and archive them on the “Goalkeeper Nation” page at this site). (NOTE: If you’re a former keeper but are not on Henske’s email list, contact him:

NAME: Tracy McIntosh

CLASS: I am a proud graduate of the awesome Staples Class of 1971.

FAVORITE SOCCER MEMORY: Winning back-to-back state championships in 1969 and ’70. We had 17 shutouts in 1970. We went 17-1, unscored upon by any team in Connecticut that year. I had wonderful fullbacks in front of me!

POST-STAPLES CAREER: I received my BA in biology from Williams College in 1975 (and was co-captain of the soccer team my senior year). I received by Ph.D. in molecular neurobiology from Rutgers University, then spent a 30-year career teaching at various schools including Boston University, University of California-San Francisco, University of Connecticut Health Center and University of Pennsylvania.

HOW YOU BECAME A KEEPER:  It was the coolest position by far (you can see the entire field, and watch the midfielders and forwards develop their scoring plays — given the players on our team at the time, it was like watching a beautiful work of art being painted). I loved feeling like the fullbacks and I were a special unit. I also loved diving saves!

ADVICE FOR CURRENT STAPLES KEEPERS:  Work hard on reaction drills, and practice set plays constantly with 4-5 teammates. Play constantly during the off-season and on weekends. Stay engaged with the game at all times, and remember: No matter what anyone says, you are in charge! It’s not about the glory — it’s about the clean sheets!

Tracy McIntosh, making one of his patented diving saves.




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